KIC Innoenergy session for SELECT student
On Friday 11th March, SELECT students had the opportunity to meet Prof. Anders Flodström (vice chair of the EIT) and Diego Pavia (CEO of the KIC InnoEnergy).
The meeting started by Diego Pavia presenting the KIC Innoenergy. Diego Pavia has studied electrical engineering and specialized in electronics and automation at the Polytechnical University of Madrid. He was the CEO of Atos Origin, a leading international IT service provider. From 2006 to 2010, Diego chaired the Spanish Consultancy Association (AEC).
The meeting continued with Prof. Anders Flodström speech about EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) and Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). Prof. Flodström was President of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm until July 2007. He is a member of the Swedish Academy for Engineering Sciences (IVA). He is also honorary doctor at Riga Technical University in Latvia, honorary doctor of Helsinki Technical University (Aalto) and honorary professor in Dalian University of Technology in China. Prof. Flodström was University Chancellor at the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education 2007 to 2010.
At the end of the meeting SELECT students asked their question from Prof. Flodström. KIC InnoEnergy, a public private partnership, funded by the Europe-an Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), links research, education, and innovation in order to accelerate technology transfer and create a sustainable energy system in Europe.
For more information please visit KIC Innoenergy